Google Philippines Flag Meaning


Philippines Flag Meaning

Filipino FlagThe shapes inside the white part of the Filipino Flag include an eight rayed sun and 3 stars. The sun represents the dawning of a brand new era of self determination that was desired in 1897 after the war with Spain in the Philippines.

It also symbolizes unity, versatility, and people's democracy/sovereignty. The 8 rays in the sunshine stand for the 8 provinces which rose in revolt against Spanish rule in the late 19th century while the 3 stars surrounding that sun represent the 3 principal geographic areas of the Philippines; Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

Noting the differences in colors, the Filipino Flag currently has the colors of blue, red, and white. The color blue is over red, with white to the left. The red and blue parts of the flag are shaped like a trapezoid while the white part is an equilateral triangle. Inside of the white triangle, there is a yellow sun with 8 points and 3 yellow stars surrounding it. The Filipino Flag has a rectangular design consisting of the a white equilateral triangle, symbolizing equality and fraternity; a horizontal blue stripe representing comfort, truth, and justice, and a  horizontal red stripe for patriotism and valor. Explaining the colors of the Filipino Flag more in depth, the red stripe represents courage and bravery of the Filipino people, while the blue stripe stands for nobility. The white triangle means Katipunan; a groundbreaking company that led the revolt against Spain to win the war. It also represents the peace and purity of the nation and people.

The symbolism and meaning of the Filipino Flag was given in the 1898 Proclamation of Philippine Independence states. The white triangle means the emblem of the Katipunan, the secret society which opposed Spanish direction. The Filipino Flag was commemorated to the flag of the United States as gratitude for American protection against the Spanish throughout the Philippine Movement. This is where the colors of red, white, and blue come from on the Filipino Flag. The proclamation additionally declares that the sun represents the gigantic steps earned by the sons of the country along the path of progress and civilization.

One very remarkable, unique fact about the Filipino Flag is that makes it distinctive amongst other flags is, when the Philippines is not at war with other countries, the blue stripe is on top of the red. When the country is at war with another, the blue stripe is replaced by the red (The red goes on top, blue on bottom, and white doesn't change). To the left, you can see a picture of how the current flag looks.

It's great to note that the Filipino Flag was first designed by General Aguinaldo in 1897 during the course of his exile in Hong Kong. Aguinaldo moved to the Philippines where he and his military defeated the Spaniards in the Philippines at the Battle of Alapan on May 28th, 1898. The Filipino people rejoiced for the first time as they had led their first victory that day against Spain. On the twelve of June 1898, the Philippines proclaimed freedom from Spain which then started the Initial Philippine Republic; the Filipino Flag was history from there.


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